The WCO Spectrum team is pleased to share the great progress we have made this year in advancing our mission to maximize value for EBS license holders.
Colleges, Universities, Radio and Television Broadcasters and Non-Profit Organizations who own EBS licenses are facing budget pressures; when they transform an inactive asset into cash, they can fund programs and improve the lives of the people they serve.
Organizations across the United States are selling their licenses on a free and fair market. As of June 15, 2022 according to the FCC:
EBS Spectrum Licenses Sold

“Weld County School District RE-5J decided to sell its spectrum because the district wasn’t using it. It had leased its spectrum to a major wireless service and was receiving a small monthly lease payment. The district’s board decided it would be better to sell and get a large up-front payment for the spectrum.“
Michael Everest
CFO, Weld County School District RE-5J
Weld County School District RE-5J, Milliken, CO

“Funds will support enhanced facilities, scholarships, and modernized programs to meet our customers—students—where they are.”
Michael Hageloh
Executive Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Indian River State College
- Sell your EBS license for a lump sum.
- Invest the sale proceeds in T-Mobile bonds (investment grade).
- The monthly income could be higher than your EBS lease income.
- You will now have liquidity and can sell all or a portion of your bonds at the time of your choosing when you need it most.

“If I had $5 million, I could really widen our net in terms of how we serve the church,” Harris said.
But a Goliath-sized obstacle stands in the school’s way.