News – January 2023
Unlocking equity and generating value for EBS license holders
Organizations across the United States are selling their licenses on a free and fair market. As of September 21, 2022 according to the FCC:
EBS licenses sold since Rule Change 19-62 in 2020
Join Us at the 2023 NEBSA Conference
February 22nd and 23rd

Education and Spectrum News

“The number of undergraduates enrolled in college nationwide is now down 9.4% compared to two years ago — a loss of nearly 1.4 million students.”

FCC grants first batch of 2.5 GHz licenses – minus T-Mobile

“More licensed mid-band spectrum is needed to meet growing wireless network demand”

FCC Commissioners Tout 5G, Spectrum and Permitting Reform

“The US can’t maximize use of its mid-band spectrum for 5G because the US government (primarily the Department of Defense) holds a large share.”